Packaging and prototypes

Packaging and packaging prototypes

Thanks to Led technology, with UV Led inks it's possible to create packaging prototypes with a very high quality. Also with UV technology it's possible to add spectacular gloss and 3D effects combined with four color process and white ink.

Prints with UV ink - Packaging

Beled UV Led printer allow to print on many paper supports, from classic coated paper for offset printing to the most prestigious special papers. Also the possibility to print white and three different type of gloss paving the way to creative solutions avaiable till today only with large number of pieces.
Nowadays we have the possibility to create prototypes and small lot with a very low production cost and an unique final product.

Prints with UV ink - Soft Packaging

The new UV inks allow to print on polyethylene and polypropylene paving the way to digital printing on food packaging and more in general flexible pakaging market.
Graphics agency or typographies need to present to the customer the exact model of the finished product, and now they can do that easily and professionally. The use of a very covering white ink allow to print on transparent materials, used usually to show the product inside the packaging to the customer.

Prints with UV ink - Labels

From today, thanks to UV Led technology, it's possible to create new products, unusuals and of sure impact.
It possible to print not only on classic vinyl but also on a very large range of materials, even papery. In adhesive labels market particoular processing like white on transparent labels or gloss to ennoble particoular areas of the graphic are very common.
There are no limit to creativity, you just need to define the graphic, the areas where to make particular effects and the printer will manage automatically all the realization process, from the printing to the special effects application.

Fine packaging printing

Fine packaging live on metallic effects. Gold and silver fillets and written are widely used in packaging market.
The realization of metallic effects was exclusivity of screen printing. Now digital printing can enter strongly on fine packaging market for the realization of personalized small lots.