Ser.Tec. group will bring the latest news of digital printing at Fespa Munich 2019.
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From May 14th to 17th at stand A6-B11 it will be possible to view digital printers for objects Eagle UV 50 and Eagle Hybrid 70.
Eagle UV 50 digital printer is the smallest in the Eagle line with a printing area of 700x500mm and the only Eagle printer with the mobile table and fixed head. This configuration allows the Eagle 50 to be extremely compact, reducing the space needed to operate the machine without sacrificing the quality and versatility that distinguish the Eagle line.

Also for printing on objects there will be Eagle Hybrid 70 with a printing area of 700x1500mm and solutions dedicated to printing materials such as ceramics, glass, metals and leather with a high quality and simplicity.
For the printing on fabric there will be the revolutionary Eagle TX 70 2H which thanks to the "Multihead" technology owned by Ser.Tec. manages 2 independent printheads ensuring high print speed and quality.

EV Network will also be present with WhiteRIP professional printing software now in version 7 with ad-hoc solutions for both printing on fabric and printing on objects.